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Welcome. I document life in NYC and my travels beyond the Big Apple. Thanks for joining me!



I’ve been using Goodreads for almost a decade to catalog books I’ve read and keep a wish list of books that I would like to read in the future. The site has other features such as book recommendations, trivia, and a friend function so you can see what your buddies are reading and exchange reviews with one another. One of my favorite features is the yearly reading challenge where you set a goal of how many books you want to read in a year. I find that 50 is a good goal for me.

2020 was a different year. I managed to read 50 books, but my selection was different than it would be in a given year. My attention span for dense non-fiction and novels wasn’t where it is in a typical year. I read a lot more graphic novels, manga, and cookbooks than I ever have. Below is my 2020 list. I’ve also included the book genres and my ratings on a scale of 1-5 stars. I’m curious to see what my 2021 list ends up looking like.

2020 Reading List


Modern Comfort Food by Ina Garten

Modern Comfort Food by Ina Garten


Mrs. Everything by Jennifer Weiner

Mrs. Everything by Jennifer Weiner

Graphic Novels and Manga


Yes Please by Amy Poehler

Yes Please by Amy Poehler


One Summer by Bill Bryson

One Summer by Bill Bryson


1000 Things to Do in London for Under 10 Pounds by Time Out

1000 Things to Do in London for Under 10 Pounds by Time Out

What are you looking forward to reading this year?



Weekly roundup: January 22, 2021

Weekly roundup: January 22, 2021